Developing a more focused and engaged Executive Leader
A constant challenge for women leaders is striking a balance between work and personal life – and in this area, traditional gender expectations often still prevail like wanting women to put their family first. Some women also feel they would have been more effective in running their businesses if they didn’t have to deal with kids or family. This is not necessarily the case and if done right, a “so called” balanced life could lead to tremendous leadership success. One way to begin is through your own personal development, either through Training or through Coaching and Mentorship
Become a more balanced, focused and engaged leader
Generally balance is seen as scaling between work and family – when a person is able to sufficiently meet family commitments and adequately perform responsibilities at work.
Second, the work-live balance statement also presupposes that you are merely coping and most women want to be extremely successful at both.
Ultimately it should be about women being able to set boundaries and become assertive enough to say “no” to areas that don’t affect her life in a big or important way.
There are times when a woman will have to work really hard and long, and neglecting home and personal life. And there are times when she can choose to play hard and say “no” to work.
It all starts with a belief. Some women believe it’s impossible to be a good mother and have a successful career at the same time. They believe they would either be good at their job, or at motherhood, but not at both.
But I believe you can be extremely successful at work and be an outstanding mother – and looking gorgeous at the same time. I for one, had three adorable kids with special needs who needed more care and attention than ordinary children would. But I still managed a successful career, founded a company and always made time to look gorgeous all the time.
We are all different though, so what you choose as being most important, would be totally dependent on what you value and how you determine the worth of the things that really matter most to you.
The First step would be to determine what success really means to you personally.
There would always be one that’s given more priority than the other, and the sooner you decide which one, you can accept it, consent to it, and make it work by implementing coping means of the one you consider less important to you – but still want to greatly succeed at it.
It’s a fact that before you can take care of anyone else you have to take care of yourself fist, meaning you need to feel balanced within yourself first.
Once you know how to do this with proper planning in all areas of your life, you can take total control of the constant niggling feelings of guilt and worry. Instead you will feel happier, more stable and strong, knowing you’re totally competent in harmonising your work and family life.
This may seem daunting for some, but a lot of people have already done it, so there shouldn’t be any reason you can’t do the same. I too, have struggled to integrate my career and personal life at first, but eventually found the middle ground.
This is how I did it:
Simply make the decision and commitment. Set clear boundaries and thereby finding the peace to make it work. If you don’t make the conscious decision to achieve that peace and fully commit to it, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed.
Realise that in order to achieve success you would have to give up some of your original goals and substitute it with new ones with different but equal challenges and results, there are various ways to skin the cat so to speak. Again, redefine your passion and purpose and stick to it.
Become more assertive in your communication styles as well. If you generally are the submissive type, acknowledge that first and then practice how to become more Assertive with things that don’t resonate with you or are not serving you in achieving your goals. Make sure your career remains challenging but not overwhelming by learning to say “no” to energy drainers. Most of us don’t like to refuse favours, new responsibilities, or even casual requests, for fear of looking undependable, or upsetting someone, or missing out on something. Do not assume responsibility for people’s feelings or emotions, I will talk more about this in another article.
However, make a point of seriously considering any request that comes your way, and double-check your schedule before taking anything else on that’s not in line with your objectives.
Our environments can contribute a lot to how effective we work and live, since everything is energy and either add to our personal energy pool, or distract from it. So, unclutter all areas, keep it organised as it will free up space in your mind to deal with the more important things in your life.
Always communicate your situation to your family. Regularly discuss with your husband and children their perceptions, opinions, and even objections about your work.
This will give you better insight into their feelings and aspirations, making it easier for you to manage their expectations and perceptions. Also ensure the entire family understands your obligations and responsibilities at work, so there would be more consideration from them.
Establish limits and clear boundaries between family and work. Determine which actions are acceptable and which ones unacceptable for at home or work. Boundaries protect your work from the distraction of family, and protect your family involvement from the obligations at work. For me these are all my Non-Negotiables and goes into a Non-Negotiable tray.
Be very disciplined about it and do not overstep these boundaries as it might lead to distrust and disgruntlement. This is hard but totally worth it, as closing your mind from work, will translate into giving quality time to your family and they’ll love you for it.
Ultimately you would also need to be able to switch work off completely, and give more time to yourself, just as much as you would to family in order to maintain a healthy body and mind.
It would be impossible to perfectly balance everything in your life at all times. For example, when a family member is sick, you may need to skip a work event. Or when an important deadline must be met, you might need to miss dinner at home and stay working in the office late.
Always ensure you have supportive means in place to deal with these occurrences. Ask for help, negotiate fairly for what you need, and learn how to delegate effectively and responsibly. For me these are in my Negotiables and goes into that Negotiable tray. So, from the beginning, plan for what is Negotiable and up for grabs and what is NOT.
At the office let superiors, colleagues, and management know what’s important to you, what you value, and how you want your life to be. Tell them what’s high on your priority so they would know when and how they can provide support. You would be surprised by how supportive colleagues can be.
For total peace of mind at the office ensure you leave your kids in capable hands. Find someone you feel comfortable and confident with. Get involved with these care providers by communicating frequently and observing interactions between caregiver and your child.
At home get your children involved with household tasks and work together as a team, it can be lots of fun. Recruit friends, family, neighbours as a support network in times when you simply can’t be there for your kids in emergencies or daily activities. Make sure that you return this favour when you have downtime and they need you too.
Understand that anything can change at a moment’s notice, just make sure you’re always ready and willing to assume responsibility for any of the tasks that need to get done at any time. And get rid of always trying to be a perfectionist, and forgive yourself when things don’t go according to plan. Be Gentle on yourself. And if you can’t, go see a personal Coach or Mentor who can work with you to get over that guilt we so easily succumb to.
The importance of Mentorship and business coaching for your Business Success as an Engaged Leader
Coaching and mentoring can provide an array of benefits for both individuals and their organisations of all sizes, especially small businesses and family businesses. It provides individuals a way to connect, learn and grow their companies or within the company and along their own career paths including creating balance and focus.
What is the difference between coaching and Mentoring?
Simply put, coaching is about growing the person, YOU, the business owner, from the inside out. Coaching helps you to determine goals that match your highest potential, create a realistic plan to achieve those goals, discover how you self-sabotage your business, and be accountable for achieving goals within a planned time frame. While your coach might offer you insight and advice, the primary purpose of coaching is to empower YOU to learn how to create the business of your dreams whilst still managing and juggling your personal life.
Mentoring brings the expertise of the consultant expertise into the mix. A mentor offers information, advice, brainstorming and training. I like to say that a Mentor Tells and a Coach Asks or guides. Look for a someone who has achieved what you want to achieve, someone who is willing to share all their knowledge, wisdom and practical tips with you.
Personally, I strongly encourage my clients to use THE services of one person who is able to combine the roles of both a Business coach and consulting Mentor which is the best of both worlds.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach and no single formula for successfully balancing work and family. Every person and family must find specific solutions to their issues depending on their own preferences and needs.
If you need help in finding this so called “balance”, contact Hawa Charfaray, CEO: Training Excellence South Africa and CEO Orbrix in (UAE) on hawa@trainexcellence.co.za
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Email: hawa@trainexcellence.co.za
More about Hawa Charfaray:
Hawa Charfaray is the CEO & Founder of Training Excellence Africa & The Middle East and CEO Orbrix Dubai. She is a renowned International Corporate Trainer, Motivational Global Speaker. Hawa is committed to community development through social responsibility efforts as an Inspirational Presenter.
Hawa has invested in changing lives through her many years of experience as Global Speaker, Trainer, a corporate wellness practitioner, an NLP practitioner, Life Coach, Language and Behavior (LAB) Profile Practitioner, Inventory, Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM) practitioner, Ecometric practitioner, Hypnotherapy Practitioner and Time Line Practitioner. She is both honored and inspired to be nominated by the recognized bodies below. She says “We cannot become ourselves by ourselves. We need to go out of our way to support each other. We need to be mirrored, emulated and celebrated, as who you are truly does make a difference – Become Consciously Purposeful in Your Life as a leader!”
Hawa was Acknowledged and Awarded the following Awards:
TEDx Lyttleton women Speaker – December 2018
Distinguished African Amazon Award 2018 – Mandela Legacy Centre for Leadership and Development – Nov 2018
Future of HR Leader – Hall of Fame Finalist Award July 2018 – – This is the highest possible accolade bestowed at the Future of HR Awards. It is reserved for an industry-respected, highly experienced individual who, through their visionary people management strategies and leadership prowess for at least ten years, have made an outstanding and lasting contribution to the organisation(s) they have worked for, and to the HR industry as a whole.
Amazons Women Watch Emerging Economies Top 100 Most influential Women 2018 in USA in March 2018. – These awards are in acknowledgement of her inspirational work she does with Women Leadership and Creating an Executive Presence for Women Internationally. She has also been invited and will be attending The Africa Women Forum (AWF) – New York 2019, which is scheduled to be held, on the Margin of the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, in March, 2019. Selection was part of CELD’s delegation to a High-level session/stakeholder’s engagement at the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women, which is held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In March 2019.
Awarded as Top 100 Difference Makers in SA by Difference Makers SA in March 2018
CMO Africa leadership citation in Mauritius in Dec 2017
Centre for Economic Leadership Development – Leadership award in Dubai 2016
Hawa is also on the following Boards and have partnered with the following Organisations:
- CEO Orbrix UAE Nov 2018 to date
- Advisory Partner of the Carlton Advanced Management Institute (CAMI) in USA – 2015- Current
- Advisory Board of the Non-Profit African Women’s Movement (AWM) May 2017 – May 2018
- Hawa is also the weekly host on Radio 786 on the Business Edition advising Leaders across the globe on Business concepts and challenges. Through these platforms, Hawa forges on to uplift African Leaders and connect them to opportunities.
- Partner NKG Training Mauritius
- Partner for Pasion to Purpose USA, in Africa and Middle East.
Key Speaking Topics or Full Training Sessions available from Hawa Charfaray – The Lioness of Africa:
- Creating an Executive Presence for Women
- Navigating the Corporate Jungle as a Lioness
- Leadership Development – Transformational Leadership
- Women Leadership
- Women Collaboration
- The Power of YOU
- Customer Service for Bankers – The Power of YOU
- Organisational Development
- Job Analysis and Job Evaluation for HR Professionals
- Recruitment Analytics for HR Professionals
- Recruitment Analytics for Line Managers
- Fundamentals of HR for Line Managers
- Train the Trainer for Learning & Development Professionals
- Performance Management for Leaders and HR Professionals
- Self-Management and Goal Setting
- Is there such a thing as Work Life Balance?
- Mastering the art of Influence through Language
- Understanding Employee Engagement
- Making Organisational Health/Well-being a strategic Priority in Organisations
- Providing Psychological Air to your Employees (Understanding and Acknowledgement) And many more….
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